
Committed to High Quality Standards.


Emulsion Small Diameter Cartridge

Emulsion Small Diameter Cartridge

Emulsion Explosives are intimate and homogeneous mixtures of Oxidisers and Fuels.

Slurry Large Dia

Slurry Large Dia

These explosives are safe in handling, economical and superior performance for water resistance.

Committed to High Quality Standards.


Detonating Fuse

Detonating Fuse

These Detonating Fuses are meant for blasting operations of granite quarries, open cast mines, underground metal mines, underwater blasting etc.



It is in the from of white crystalline powder insoluble in water and highly soluble in Acetone.

Super Cord Relay

Super Cord Relay

Super Cord Relay is a Non - Electric surface delay to provide delay between the holes and rows in Detonating Fuse initiated blast patterns.

Committed to High Quality Standards.


Non Electric Detonator

Non Electric Detonator

he mixture most used as the energetic material is an admixture of PETN and aluminium.



The detonators consist of an aluminum shell filled with desire dosage of PETN as base charge and mixer of Nickle Hydrazine Nitrate and aluminium powder (ANHN mixture) as priming charge.

Super Power Cast Booster

Super Power Cast Booster

Penta Boosters are made of high explosives PET and TNT composition cast in to a plastic shell.


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