Super Power Cast Booster
Penta Boosters are made of high explosives PET and TNT composition cast in to a plastic shell. They can be initiation by detonators or detonating cord top provide reliable initiation of pumped augured and packaged explosives. Boosters make efficient primers and boosters that detonate at a very high velocity and temperature. These qualities, together with high density produce great detonation pressure. Pentolite boosters can be stored for long periods of time, as they contain no liquid ingredients and can be operated easily without use of prickers.
They are equipped with two holes for easy initiation with detonating cord or detonators. They do not contain nitro glycerin or other headache causing ingredients.
Unit Weight (grams) | 100, 200 & 250 |
Density | 1.55 ‡ 0.05 gm/CC |
Velocity | 7800 m/sec ‡ 200 |
Shock energy | 237 calories/gram |
Detonation Pressure | 240 Kilo bars |
Water Resistance | Excellent |
Indian Explosive Act: Class – 3, Division – 2
Un Classification: Class – 1.1D, UN No. 0042