

The detonators consist of an aluminum shell filled with desire dosage of PETN as base charge and mixer of Nickle Hydrazine Nitrate and aluminium powder (ANHN mixture) as priming charge. ANHN mixture is sensitives to flame while PETN is sensitive to the sock wave generated by ANHN mixture. In delay detonators a protechnic element is placed above the ANHN mixture which provides the requited delay.



Characteristic Super OD Super ED Super MSDD Super HSDD
Construction Aluminium Shell Aluminium Shell Aluminium Shell Aluminium Shell
Strength No.6/8 No.6/8 NO.8 NO.8
Ignition/Initiation Safety Fuse Electric Electric Electric
Delay in travel Plain Instantaneous 25-75 ms: 7 250-500 100
Shell Length (mm) 37-40 42-43 57-77 57-77
Delay Nos. 0-10 0-10
No Fire Current 180) ma for 5 minutes 180 ma for 5 minutes 180 ma for 5 minutes
Series fire Current (Min.) 1.2 A for 4 ms 1.2 A for 4 ms 1.2 A for 4 ms
Fuse Head Resistance 1.4-2.0 ohms 1.4-2.0 ohms 1.4-2.0 ohms
Lead Wire Resistance 0.6 Ohm/m 0.6 Ohm/m 0.6 Ohm/m
Wire Colour As Required As Required As Required
Specific Length available on request 1.5/1. 3/5mm 3/5mm


Indian Explosive Act: Class – 6, Division – 3
Un Classification: Class – 1.1B, UN No. 0029/30


Application Fired with safety fuse in quarry, well sinking and other areas Used in quarry, well sinking metal/mineral mines and other Non-gassyareas for use in non – coal mines, drives, cross cuts, shaft sinking, tunneling etc.

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